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Pinterest Features - How to use Story Pins to skyrocket your page views

If you use Instagram you will already e familiar with Stories. Most of us seem to prefer Stories to the Grid, because they fast paced, multi-page presentations around the same theme (I love the fashion round ups by Erica Davies) and can include music and a Call to Action button. Not one to stay behind, Pinterest also launched its own version of Stories, called STORY PINS and this guide will explain what these are, how to use them effectively for your campaigns and why they will, in my view, work harder than normal PINS to help you promote your blog, website or brand.

What are Story Pins

Story Pins are multi page PINs that can include pop up text and links to each PIN (photo) that is attached to the story. You don't need a minimum following to post a complete Story PIN with links.

Here are some examples of Story Pins

How to create a Story Pin on Mobile

Create on iPhone:

  • Grab your iPhone, go to the App Store, and update your Pinterest app to the most recent version

  • Open the Pinterest app and tap “+”, then tap “Story Pin”

  • Choose a cover image and title for your Story Pin (this is what people will see in Pinterest home feed when they open the app)

  • Add image or video, text and link to each of your Story Pin pages. You can add up to 20 Story Pin pages.

  • To resize an image to your page use the crop icon. To add a link box press the link icon when adding text.

  • To publish – press ‘Next’ (top right) and choose the board you’d like your Story Pin saved to. Done!

NEW! Create Story Pins on web/desktop:

  • From your computer browser, click on the red plus button in the upper right corner. Then click “Create Story Pin” in the drop down

  • Tap “+” to add new pages.

  • Follow the same iOS instructions as above

  • Tap “Publish” and choose board. Done!

Story Pin editing

You can edit published Story Pins! Anything in your Story Pin pages can be edited—this means the text, images and links. This is a great way to fix typos or errors, or make small tweaks to your existing Story Pins. If your Story Pin has been saved to someone’s board, your edits will show up there, too!

How to edit:

  1. Grab your iPhone and open the published Story Pin you want to edit.

  2. Tap the pencil icon.

Note: to avoid confusing someone who’s saved a Story Pin and expects to see your Story Pin cover page in their board, you can’t edit cover pages after publishing.

5 best practice tips and what has worked well for me so far

Inspire action

When picking your Story Pin topic, think about what your readers might be interested in. The best Story Pins inspire people to try new ideas and give them the tips and details they need to bring that

inspiration to life.

Pick visuals that pop

Use high-quality images and videos that are related to your topic. Because Story Pins are immersive (meaning people tap into a full-screen experience), high-resolution, portrait images with an aspect ratio of 9:16 and a minimum 900x1600 pixel size work best.

Craft great text

With text-only pages and description fields for every image or video page, there are plenty of ways to share text in your Story Pin. Keep anything you write clear and relevant, and use the title and description fields to add important context to photos or videos.

Add relevant titles

Give your Story Pin a clear title so people know what it’s about. Then, use page titles to help people navigate your Story Pin. Include keywords to help show your Story Pin to people searching for topics like yours!

Tell a full story

Story Pins can be between 2 and 20 pages long, but most great Story Pins have at least 5 pages. And don’t skip the details! Remember to include relevant instructions, links, locations or product details to help readers take action on the ideas you share.

Little reminder: Story Pins can feature new content or old content, and can be about any topic as long as it complies with our policies, including the Pinterest Community Guidelines and Business Terms of Service. As always, make sure you only publish content you own the rights to, to avoid getting hit with a copyright ban!

The Checklist

Follow the checklist below for Story Pins that shine...

  • [ ] Would my audience want to save this Story Pin?

  • [ ] Does my Story Pin inspire action?

  • [ ] Are my images/video good quality, high res + portrait?

  • [ ] Is my text clear and relevant?

  • [ ] Are my titles helpful and searchable?

  • [ ] Have I included relevant links?

  • [ ] Does my Story Pin have 5+ pages?

What content works?

Pinterest UK say that they have seen the most engagement with medium to long story Pins of 5 to 20 pages that provide inspiration or actionable steps. Pinners are like sponges. They’re looking to absorb new skills, tips, recommendations and inspiration. So the best Story Pins include;

Be a trail-blazer

This doesn’t mean to say that the examples above are the only clear path to Story Pin success. As this format is in such early stages, there’s a unique opportunity to make Story Pins your own so don’t be afraid to experiment. Be a true trail-blazer with highly original and creative content.

Here’s some other content considerations;

● Trends – micro to macro. Check out Pinterest 100 trends for inspo.

● Topical subjects (from looking after our planet to the most popular new series on TV) – create Pins which are front of mind.

● Seasonal to life moments – be timely. From Halloween to Wedding Season, create content that sits back to Pinterest moments.

● Niches – don’t be afraid to be niche. Call out a specific audience or unique interest in your Story Pins. Take Story Pinner Elle, a health + fitness professional – creating Story Pins with exercise tips and workout outfit inspiration.

I hope you enjoyed this post - remember that whether you use normal or Story Pins, you should aim for consistency in posting frequency!


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